Québec’s Chief Scientist, Rémi Quirion, is pleased to announce the names of the three winners of the Relève étoile competition of the Fonds de recherche du Québec for the month of February.
Relève étoile Louis-Berlinguet, FRNT
Qi Feng, PhD student at the Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University
Winning article: Transport of Microplastics in Shore Substrates over Tidal Cycles: Roles of Polymer Characteristics and Environmental Factors
Published in: Environmental Science & Technology
Relève étoile Jacques-Genest, FRQS
Marimée Godbout-Parent, PhD student in Health Sciences, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Winning article: Prevalence of cannabis use for pain management in Quebec: A post-legalization estimate among generations living with chronic pain
Published in: Canadian Journal of Pain
Relève étoile Paul-Gérin-Lajoie, FRQSC
Jean-Baptiste Gartner, PhD student at the Department of Management, Université Laval
Winning article: Definition and conceptualization of the patient-centered care pathway, a proposed integrative framework for consensus: a Concept analysis and systematic review
Published in: BMC Health Services Research
The Relève étoile competition promotes careers in research and aims to recognize the excellence of the research conducted by university students, postdoctoral fellows and members of professional bodies who are carrying out advanced research training in the areas covered by the three Fonds de recherche du Québec.
To pay tribute to eminent members of Québec’s scientific community in recognition of their remarkable careers and outstanding contributions to the development of the research ecosystem, the award granted by the Fonds Nature et technologies has been named in honour of Louis Berlinguet, the Fonds Santé’s award is named after Jacques Genest, whereas the Fonds Société et culture honors Paul Gérin-Lajoie.
Every month, each Fund will award $1,500 to a student researcher.
Dr. Quirion sends his congratulations to the recipients.
Benoit Sévigny
Director of Communications and Knowledge Mobilization
Fonds de recherche du Québec
514 864-1619