Respect for ethics in research is essential to the development of knowledge, to scientific innovation and to research excellence. The FRQ would like to see the entire scientific community embrace a culture of research ethics. The expected mobilization requires the integration of ethical thought at all stages of the research process.

Funding holders must comply with the ethical standards adopted by each of the Funds. In addition, the FRQ expect funding holders to adhere to best practices in research ethics by respecting the different applicable norms and standards, depending on the context.

Norms and standards to consider, depending on the context


The Board of Directors of each fund appoints the members of its Committee on ethics and scientific integrity. Each of these committees is mandated to propose to the Board of Directors orientations regarding the fund’s action in the area of research ethics and the promotion of good practices adapted to research.

If you have any questions, please contact Emmanuelle Lévesque, Research Ethics Advisor:

514 873-2114 ext. 4280 or