At the June 17 meeting of the Board of Directors, members approved a series of proposed changes to the rules of several grant and scholarship programs. These are summarized below:
The section allowing applicants to document the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their research project or career is maintained in all our application forms.
The presentation standards for documents attached to the application have been harmonized across the three Fonds de recherche (FRQSC, FRQS, FRQNT).
Master’s Research Scholarship (B1), Doctoral Research Scholarship (B2), Scholarship for re-entering the Research Community (A2) and Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (B3):
The list of documents to be attached to the application form as well as evaluation criteria and their respective weights have been harmonized across the three Fonds de recherche.
A new criterion related to the social mobilization of applicants has been introduced. This criterion has three sub-criteria, namely:
• Applicant’s ability to facilitate dialogue between science and society,
• Applicant’s capacity for engagement,
• Applicant’s consideration of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including equity, diversity and inclusion.
College introduction to research scholarship (BIRC):
This program is now available to individuals whose internship is supervised by a college researcher currently funded by the FRQSC.
In addition, the scholarship can now be spread over two consecutive semesters rather than one.
Undergraduate introduction to research scholarship (BIR):
Each summer, the Fonds will award not two, but three scholarships valued at $5,000 at each eligible university.
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (B3) and Postdoctoral Research-Creation Fellowship (B5):
The postdoctoral internship may now be co-supervised by a person with one of the following CGR statuses (see CGR, “Definitions – Status and Roles”):
• University researcher (Status 1)
• Clinical university researcher (Status 2)
• College researcher (Status 3)
• Researcher in a government institution recognized by the FRQ (Status 4a)
• Government or private sector researcher (Status 4b)
• Practitioner (Status 4c)
• Artist (Status 4d)
Research Support for New Academics (NP) – Research-Creation Support for New Academics (CCZ):
In keeping with the criteria governing the evaluation of these programs, the objectives have been clarified to reflect the importance to the Fonds of having individuals funded under this program contribute to the research-creation training of the next generation of students, at all levels.
One of the evaluation criteria has also been slightly modified. Applicants must inform committee members of the relevance of their scientific achievements, research activities and experience, both “academic and other”.
Research Team Support Program (SE):
There have been slight adjustments to the evaluation criteria for this program. Teams applying for a grant renewal will now be required to document the added value of the scientific program compared to the one previously funded, particularly from the point of view of the evolution of the theme, the theoretical and conceptual tools, the methodological approaches, the division of the scientific program into thrusts, etc.
The program rules now also specify that a release from teaching duties for the principal investigator must be requested in the budget submitted with the application. Otherwise, this amount cannot be requested during the course of the grant.
Relève-Étoile Paul-Gérin-Lajoie Award (EXZ):
The rules for this award, which was launched about ten years ago, have been updated. The criteria have been slightly revised, with new emphasis on the question of open access. Applicants are asked to demonstrate their ability to reach the general public, including their strategy for ensuring open access, in accordance with the Fonds de recherche du Québec open access policy for the dissemination of research.
In addition, this award will now be offered on an annual basis, starting with the September 2021 edition.