Published January 30th 2024 – Please be advised that the Privacy Policy regarding the use of the Fonds de recherche du Québec (Nature et technologies, Santé and Société et culture, hereinafter “the FRQ”) website has been updated and the changes will come into effect on February 15, 2024.
Background to the changes
On January 1, 2024, the Regulation respecting the confidentiality policies of public bodies that collect personal information through technological means, adopted pursuant to Section 63.4 of the Act respecting Access to Documents held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Personal Information (CQLR, c. A-2.1), came into force. The purpose of this regulation is to define the minimum content of privacy policies and notices of changes to those policies.
Accordingly, the FRQ have updated their Privacy Policy regarding the use of its website to comply with the new legislative requirements.
Changes made
The FRQ Privacy Policy is now written in clear and simple language and contains the following information:
- The name of the public body that collects the personal information and, where the information is collected by a third party on behalf of the public body, the name of that third party;
- A description of the personal information collected;
- The purposes for which the personal information is collected;
- The categories of persons who, within the FRQ, have access to the personal information;
- The technological means by which the personal information is collected;
- The categories of third parties to whom it is necessary to release personal information;
- A mention regarding the rights of access and correction provided for by the Act regarding access, as well as the name of the person in charge of the protection of personal information at the FRQ and the contact information to communicate with that person;
- A mention as to the possibility that the personal information may be released outside Québec;
- A brief description of the measures taken to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal information;
- A mention of the right of the person concerned by the personal information to pursue the process for dealing with complaints regarding the protection of personal information;
- The contact information of the person to whom questions regarding the FRQ Privacy Policy may be addressed;
- The date of coming into force of this policy and the date of its most recent update.
Questions or comments
If you have questions or comments relating to the Privacy Policy or this notice of changes, do not hesitate to contact the appropriate privacy officer in charge of access to information and the protection of personal information:
- FRQNT : Raphaëlle Dupras-Leduc
- FRQS : Mylène Deschênes
- FRQSC : Raphaëlle Dupras-Leduc