Competition year : 

Deadline (pre-request) : 
September 4th, 2019 at 16:30 (EST)

Deadline (application) : 
December 3rd, 2019 at 16:30 (EST)

Announcement of results : 
April 2020

Amount : 
Up to $100,000 per year

Duration : 
Maximum of 2 years non-renewable

In addition to these program rules, it is the responsibility of the applicant to financial support to consult the Common General Rules (CGR) of the Fonds de recherche du Québec, which apply to all FRQS programs. If special conditions apply to this program, they are described below and take precedence over the CGR.


The objective of this funding program, in partnership with the Antoine-Turmel Foundation, the Vision Health Research Network (VHRN) and the Eye Disease Foundation, is to develop knowledge in the age-related macular degeneration (AMD) area to better treat, rehabilitate, and even cure patients with AMD. In order to reach these goals, this program favors the development of a critical mass of Québec researchers in AMD as well as the positioning of Québec as a global leader in this area.

By becoming a member of the VHRN, the awardees of this AMD program will have access to all resources developed by the network (common infrastructures, databases, tissue banks, etc.).


Priority themes

This program is entirely dedicated to AMD research in all its forms (fundamental, clinical or translational research, epidemiology/public health, and rehabilitation). Any research methodology that would have the potential to help improving the knowledge on AMD is eligible.


The main objectives of this program are to:

  • Identify the causes of AMD

  • Develop better treatments for patients with AMD

  • Reduce significantly the disease course

  • Delay the start, or even prevent, the disease

  • Develop rehabilitation’s programs for patients with advanced illness to allow a better life with AMD


  • The project’s team must include one Principal Investigator (PI) and co-investigators meeting the criteria relating to research status (see the Definitions section of the Common General Rules):
    • University researcher
    • Clinical university researcher
  • NEW: a minimum of 1 co-investigator is required

  • Including young researchers among the co-investigators is strongly encouraged

  • The PI must demonstrate that he/she will devote a sufficient amount of research time to the project to ensure its success

  • Multidisciplinarity, intersectoral approaches and complementarity of skills of the research team will be considered as an asset

Postdoctoral trainees cannot apply to this program as PIs or co-investigators.

Professional corporations

Clinical university researchers must prove that they are members in good standing of the professional order governing them in Québec, have a valid license to practice in Québec and have professional liability insurance.

Multiple applications
  • Researchers may only submit one application to this program as a PI
  • Researchers may submit several applications to this program as a co-investigator
  • NEW: a PI with a grant under this program, who is in his or her second year of funding, is eligible to apply as a PI. However, the person must demonstrate that there is no overlap between the two projects. If the second project is the continuation of the current project, the person will have to provide a schedule to demonstrate that the first project will be finished before the start of the funding for the second project.
  • A researcher currently holding a grant as a co-investigator from this program may apply as co-investigator or PI

Employment and domicile

The principal investigator and the co-investigators must:

  • be employed by a managing institution and be domiciled in Québec at the time the application is submitted (see section 2.1 of the Common General Rules).

Collaborators may be from outside Québec. However, no funds will be transferred outside the province.

EthicsPIs and co-investigators must comply with the ethical regulations as defined in sections 5.3 and 5.4 of the Common General Rules
Basic training in research ethics

Basic training in research ethics is mandatory for all FRQS awardees when their research project involves human beings.

Research on human beings involves:

  • Participation of human beings
  • Use of human biological materials (parts, products, tissue, cells, genetic materials, derived from a living or dead individual)
  • Assisted procreation activities or the use of human embryos derived therefrom, within the meaning of the Act respecting clinical and research activities relating to assisted procreation (CQLR c. A-5.01)
  • The use of administrative, scientific or descriptive data from human participants

Awardees must successfully complete levels 1 and 3 of the Online Tutorial in Research Ethics set out by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS).

PIs and co-investigators must complete the training before receiving the first payment of their grant.


Transmission of the documents via the FRQS electronic portfolio only.
  • Any document missing or non-compliant with program rules and electronic forms, but deemed crucial for eligibility or evaluation, makes the funding application ineligible.
  • Applicants will not be contacted to provide the missing documents or information
  • Any document received after the submission deadline will not be added to the application file as no update is allowed once submitted.
  • Any unrequested document transmitted with the application will be removed from the file before its evaluation.
  • No extension will be granted. After the deadline application, forms that are not already submitted will be automatically rejected.


  • In order to allow for institution approval, the letter of intent should be submitted before the institutional deadline, which is before the FRQS submission deadline (details are provided in the electronic form). Institution approval, which automatically activates submission of the form to the FRQS, has to be done before the FRQS submission deadline.
  • Each co-investigator has to consent to be part of this application. This action can be done in his/her FRQS electronic portfolio before the institutional deadline otherwise it will not be possible to submit the form.
  • Once the application is submitted to the institution, it will no longer be possible to modify it.
Principal investigator

Only researchers whose letters of intent are selected will be invited to submit a full application (see the Evaluation section).

FRQS will send by email a confirmation of the acceptance or rejection of the letter of intent of each candidate.

  • Canadian Common CV, Funding CV version for the FRQS (updated between June 2018 and the competition deadline)
  • Detailed contributions (updated between June 2018 and the competition deadline, attachment required through the FRQS Electronic Portfolio on the Canadian Common CV page), consult the Guidelines for the CV attachment available in the toolbox


In the FRQS electronic portfolio under As a co-investigator” (En tant que cochercheur) : Each co-investigator has to consent to be part of this application before the institutional deadline otherwise it will not be possible to submit the form.


Transmission of the documents via the FRQS electronic portfolio only.
  • Any document missing or non-compliant with program rules and electronic forms, but deemed crucial for eligibility or evaluation, makes the funding application ineligible.
  • Applicants will not be contacted to provide the missing documents or information
  • Any document received after the submission deadline will not be added to the application file as no update is allowed once submitted.
  • Any unrequested document transmitted with the application will be removed from the file before its evaluation.
  • No extension will be granted. After the deadline application, forms that are not already submitted will be automatically rejected.


  • In order to allow for institution approval, the complete application should be submitted before the institutional deadline, which is before the FRQS submission deadline (details are provided in the electronic form). Institution approval, which automatically activates submission of the form to the FRQS, has to be done before the FRQS submission deadline.
  • Each co-investigator has to consent to be part of this application. This action can be done in his/her FRQS electronic portfolio before the institutional deadline otherwise it will not be possible to submit the form.
  • Once the application is submitted, it will no longer be possible to modify it.
Principal investigator
  • Letter of support from the administrators of the institution or university department in which the research will be carried out (for the PI only)
  • Letter of support from a collaborator or a partner, if applicable
  • Clinician: a letter from the director of the clinical department or the dean of the faculty specifying the number of hours for which the applicant will be released from his/her clinical obligations to carry out the research project (only for clinicians who are not recipients of an FRQS career award)

  • Canadian Common CV, Funding CV version for the FRQS (updated between June 2018 and the competition deadline)
  • Detailed contributions (updated between June 2018 and the competition deadline, attachment required through the FRQS Electronic Portfolio on the Canadian Common CV page), consult the Guidelines for the CV attachment  available in the toolbox
  • Clinician: a letter from the director of the clinical department or the dean of the faculty specifying the number of hours for which the applicant will be released from his/her clinical obligations to carry out the research project (only for clinicians who are not recipients of an FRQS career award)


  • In the FRQS electronic portfolio under “As a co-investigator” (En tant que cochercheur) : Each co-investigator has to consent to be part of this application before the institutional deadline otherwise it will not be possible to submit the form.


Choice of research location

An FRQS centre, an institution administered by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) or a Québec university.

Change of research location

The FRQS expects that the grantee will conduct his/her project at the same institution or university that initially endorsed the application throughout the entire grant period.

The grantees who wish to change their research location must submit by email an official request to the FRQS. The request must detail the reason(s) for the change and describe all possible consequences on the research project.

University or institutional authorities must notify the FRQS in writing once they have approved the change of location.

The acceptance of the grantee in the new research centre or university department must also be done in writing to the FRQS by the director.


TermMaximum of 2 years non-renewable
Effective dateMay 1st,  2020



Up to $100,000 per year


The list of institutions that can administer funding from the FRQ is limited to the managing institutions recognized by the FRQ, including universities, CIUSSS, CISSS, some institutions of the healthcare network and colleges.

The managing institution is usually the employing institution of the funding recipient (see section 6.2 of the Common General Rules).

Indirect research costs

The grants awarded under this program are eligible to receive an additional amount to cover indirect costs of research of the institutions. However, the FRQS is not responsible for the amounts paid by its partners. The details on indirect costs of research reimbursement will be available at the time of the grant.



In addition to the list of eligible and non-eligible expenses detailed in section 8 of the FRQ Common General Rules, the following expenses are eligible:

  • NEW: remuneration of students (MSc and PhD) and postdoctoral fellows for the whole duration of the grant. Students and postdoctoral fellows are strongly encouraged to provincial and national competitions.
  • NEW: remuneration of college and undergraduate students for the duration of the project
  • Equipment or platform user fees
  • Participation to conferences (up to 3 % of the grant amount), from year 1
Non eligible
  • Remuneration of the PI, co-investigators, and collaborators

  • All indirect expenditures related to layout organization or reorganization, facilities leasing and maintenance or the indirect costs covered by the host institution

  • Funds must not be transferred outside of Québec


Letter of intentThe letter of intent is used to:
  • Determine the applicants’ eligibility
  • Assess the relevance of the application
  • Establish a peer review committee with relevant expertise

Only applicants whose letter of intent has been considered eligible will be invited, by email from the FRQS, to submit a complete application.

Complete application

The applications will be evaluated by a peer review committee composed of experts from clinical and scientific institutions chosen by the FRQS according to the rules in effect for the constitution of review committees.

Representatives from the Antoine-Turmel Foundation, the Eye Disease Foundation and VHRN may sit on the evaluation committee as observers without the right to vote.

The evaluation criteria for the complete application are:

Research project

  • Originality and coherence of the project

  • Clarity of the objectives

Research team

  • Scientific quality of each team member

  • Complementarity of the researchers’ expertises

  • Scientific achievements (publications, visibility in Canada or internationally, etc.)

  • Role in training young scientists


  • Scientific and technical feasibility

  • Realism of the timeline and relevance of the monitoring indicators

Short term benefits

In the short term, how will this project allow meeting the objectives of the program?

  • Project impact in terms of acquisition of knowledge and skills

  • Project impact on the development of new concepts and models, instruments, approaches and methods, the final goal being to better treat or rehabilitate patients with AMD, or to find the causes of this disease

Knowledge transfer

  • Proposed strategies to ensure that research results are used in the development and/or implementation of:

    • Better treatments

    • Better tools for rehabilitation or prevention

    • Better programs

    • New practices or care policy for patients with AMD


  • Adequate budget justification in the proposal


Submission of reports and presentation

In accepting the grant, the grantees agree to submit scientific and financial reports by the deadlines determined by the FRQS. The results of all funded projects will have to be presented at the VHRN annual meeting.

Use and dissemination of the results by partners

The grantees authorize the partners to use final report and published research outputs (scientific publications, conferences, symposia, conventions or e-publication) for reproduction, translation, execution or public extension purposes through whatever means or for any other non-commercial purposes, provided there is no infringement of copyright law.

Open access

In accordance with the Fonds de recherche du Québec Open access policy for the dissemination of research, researchers and coinvestigators of a funded project or group of researchers (research teams, centres, networks and clusters) must agree to make their publications freely available in open access within 12 months of publication. For further information concerning FRQ requirements on the subject, please consult our Open science Web page.

Knowledge mobilizationThe FRQS encourages awardees to conduct and participate in knowledge mobilization activities (transfer, sharing, development, enhancement and dissemination) with practice settings and the general public, where such activities are relevant. Please read the document Knowledge Mobilization in the toolbox.


Any application submitted to this program is subject to compliance with the conditions set out in the FRQnet electronic portals and forms.


The Fonds de recherche du Québec wish to contribute to supporting a research ecosystem based on equity, diversity and inclusion. Measures have been put in place to strengthen the integration of these principles. Funding recipients are also encouraged to consider them in the context of their research activities. For more information, see our statements on equity, diversity and inclusion.


  • The common CV and the detailed contributions must have been updated in the last year, that is, between June 2018 and the deadline for submitting the letter of intent or the application
  • The minimum number of co-investigators is one (1), instead of two (2)
  • It is possible for a grant holder, whose project is in their second year of funding, to submit an application in this competition
  • Remuneration of college and undergraduate students is eligible for the duration of the project
  • Remuneration for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows is eligible for the duration of the project
  • New sections: Open access and Equity, diversity and inclusion


Antoine-Turmel Foundation

Eye Disease Foundation

Vision Health Research Network

Note : by accepting a grant under this program, the grantee agrees to be contacted by the partners for activities related to the grant.